Libido Dominandi

Contributing artists:

In the twelve paintings on view, Hamrogue appropriates horror imagery, which allows her to play with the libidinal charge often evoked in slasher films and neo-noir novels. Motifs ordinarily associated with 1980’s film poster and book cover design are given new life, divorced from their context. Through recontextualizing eroticism and narrative fiction, Hamrogue addresses both horror tropes and feminist theory, and finds that the two are uncomfortably intertwined.

Aisling Hamrogue was born in New York, where she lives and works. Hamrogue received an MFA from Hunter College (2017) and BFA from The School of Visual Arts (2004). Her works have been exhibited at James Fuentes Gallery, Fredericks & Freiser, New Release Gallery, Good Mother Gallery and most recently Rift Contemporary in Los Angeles.